COOL WOMEN HOT JOBS (61-12-014-0)
Author: Tina Schwager & Michele Schuerger
Code book: 61-12-014-0
Color: B & W
Type of paper: 70gr HVS
Size: 15 x 23 cm
Number of things: 342hal
Type of cover: Soft Cover
Price: Rp50, 000
ISBN: 978-979-015-479-7
I want to be great, if you later? Maybe you already know. May also not. And adolescent girls may be as you tergelitik by the question.
First choice of career women, but now not anymore. Evidence, women can be a fighter pilot, film producer, dolphin trainer, instructor, adventure natural, professional basketball athletes, etc..
In section I of this book, 22 women told the story of the work according to their dream. Readers will find "Tips right" of every career and how it can achieve. "Suggestions Wisely" inspired to reach stars. The "Know More" to provide reference books, magazines and Web sites to be explored.
Real stories of women is not simply to provide information, but also inspiration, hope, and motivation for women to have a dream and ideals that continue to give up without mengejarnya because the opportunity is now open. This is in part II, revealed 5 key importance to reach the goal, namely: imagination, self confidence, a willingness to take risks, courage, and determination.
Here, you will learn a job pertamamu and start-up road to the future bright. I want to be great, if you later? After reading Cool Women, Hot Jobs, you will know that the answer is in yourself.
"Maju terus! Women can do what men do in the Air Force, including a fighter pilot. "
- Captain Esther Obert (Pilot at Shaw Air Force Base, South carolina for 5 years)
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