Saturday, July 4, 2009


Year: 2008
ISBN: 9789790332683

Price: Rp. 165,000 (including 0% tax)


Speech is great not only to reveal the truth at the time, but can also spread the lie big. Collection of speeches this extraordinary load himne-himne enthusiastically about the freedom of the democratic principles of freedom and decency that we agungkan, beautiful words that mencerahkan world. However, some of the speeches that try to obscure the even horizon of the world free. That is the speech of the history of monster, who is also a lesson that we can quotation.

Speech-books Change the World speech that includes more than 50 speeches that arouse and very important from various historical eras and nations. Akan Conference this book the readers and giving them a broader understanding of the events at that time.

Every speech comes with a comprehensive introduction that explains the background history, why speech-speech is important, and what the results ditimbulkannya. Biography of penyampai brief speech explaining how they stand at the crossing history.

Many of the speeches that express this eternal truth such as the Gettysburg speech, or speech that are less known figures from the rebels as well as the future president of Czechoslovakia, Václav Havel, or the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog. Simplicity of language mark making great speeches, such as the preaching of Jesus or Martin Luther King speech, more and more powerful when words are written by the orator own. While the speech-speech with the sentence and all-round beautiful swing can also be by the most evil leaders. Mencerahkan addition, a good speech and can be a philanthropic mask and obscure the understanding.

Speech by Adolf Hitler, for example, shows the expertise as a political agitator, actors, script writers and speech, but digayuti by meanness, deception, and guile. Conversely, although the view cruel Stalin, son of a simple shoemaker who was not in doubt disclose with clarity that surprising.

Many of the speech discussed in this book is to reveal the weaknesses as well as the strength of those who submitted them. Each speech can also be a window to see a period in history. (DP)



Year: 2002

Price: Rp. 197.800 (including 0% tax)


Textbooks written for traditional materials in Managerial Economics lectures given in most business programs and the book is to provide economic themes in the whole decision-making related to the theory of the company, to introduce an international dimension in managerial economics to reflect the globalization of taste, production, and distribution in the world today, providing many topics and tools that the new management is not discussed at all or little discussed in the text book, and show how the actual managerial decisions taken in the real world.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

PSIKOLOGI SOSIAL JL.1 ED.10 (13-00-024-6)

Year : 2005

Price : Rp. 145,000 (including 0 % tax)


This book Social Psychology, has survived for more than thirty years and also has a wide acceptance in many universities in the world.

This book, a thorough and businesslike in the field of social psychology, among which is how people think, interact and understand each other, how people behave with each other and behave, how the dynamics and forms of relationship antarmanusia; and various other issues relating to the people with social environment.

This book reflects the fact and content of modern social psychology is accurate but also very easy to read and understand. Inside, there is also the development of research in social psychology that have occurred over thirty years and a variety of significant events discussed from the perspective of social psychology, which can help readers to better understand the issues being discussed.



Tahun: 2008

Price: Rp. 360,800 (including 0 % tax)

Keistimewaan buku ini :
E. encyclopedia fauna menggabungkan ensklipedia konvensional dengan internet. Pada setiap halaman buku terdapat kata kunci yang akan menghubungkan anda dengan situs-situs internet.
Situs-situs tersebut menyajikan berbagai macam bentuk materi (gambar video kuis interaktif) yang dapat diundi secara legal dan digunakan sebagai
- referensi untuk guru maupun siswa yang tertarik untuk memasuki keajaiban dunia fauna
- Tambahan matei mengajar untuk guru dalam bentuk video maupun gambar-gambar menarik


AL-ASY'ARI (65-16-002-0)

Tahun: 2006

Price: Rp. 62,500 (including 0 % tax)


Problem of the material to be polemic teologis among people throughout the period is the human act. Are people transformed by the act itself or the people by God? Who has the will and power to establish a human act? Are people free to choose and act in accordance with the will and the power it has, or he is tied with the power and the will of God?
Abu Al-Hasan Al-Asy'ari (874-935 M) mentions the act with the human kasb. This term later became the core of teologis thought that he gagas. Classical scholars leading this base thoughts on some verses, such as Al-Qur'an: "wa ma khalaqakum Wallahu ta'malûn (God who created you and what you do, QS. Ash-Shaffat: 96)" and "wa ma Tasya Una-illâ an Allahu yasyâ (you will not want any thing except what the will of God, QS. Al-Insan: 30). " In thinking this theology is the human act of God's creation, including power to do. A person will not be able to do something that was created before the act of God. So also the will to do the act, in essence is the will of God. So the will and the act is in itself a human, the fact is the will and act of God. Then how about the reward of sin and the responsibility of human beings? Do men ago can not be questioned on what he do?


ALI SYARI'ATI (65-01-069-8)

Pengarang: ALI RAHNEMA
Tahun: 2006
ISBN: 979781193X

Price: Rp. 171,600 (including 0 % tax)

Mr. Ali is Syari'ati Ideology revolution Iran. This book discusses the life and thought Ali Syari'ati in the context of complex cultural background and shove, social and political conditions of Iranian society that has been membesarkannya. This book Syari'ati start taking life from the child in a small town called Masyhad, his life as a student in Paris in the early 60's, its development as a religious thinker and revolutionary, perseteruannya with the Pahlavi regime and the ulama Syi'ah status-quo , until his death in exile at the age of forty-four years.
Ali Syari'ati: Political Biography Intellectual Revolutionary offer a new understanding about the figures that play a significant role in the revolution in Iran, and analysis on political Islam that has influenced movements in the Middle East.
Practitioners and observers of the political, socio-political intellectual, students, and those who are interested to know more about the leaders in this highly recommended to read this book.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Kode buku: 65-01-044-8
Warna: Full color
Jenis kertas: Matt paper 100 gr
Ukuran: 20 x 26 cm
Jumlah hal: 160 hal
Jenis cover: Soft Cover
ISBN: 979-688-932-3

This book presents the art penataan home and workplace with the principles of the East. Feng Shui expert, Simon Brown, has for many years dealing with government and private sector. Brown revealed how many different businesses and people working in it can achieve the benefits of applying the principles of Feng Shui. Sketch, photos, art and designed and designed the trim in this book will help illustrate the changes in appearance, lifestyle, office decor, space and work for career success.

Suggestions in this book is suitable for various types of organization or business:
From offices, restaurants, therapy centers, educational institutions, industry, households, up to the factory.
Help solve business problems, improve results, and increase employee productivity.
Guide the selection of appropriate careers, how to achieve workplace success, and get a professional didambakan.
Give various suggestions to set the working space of lower levels of stress, maximize your work environment a healthy, effective, and beatify.



Tahun: 2007

Price: Rp. 46,300 (including 0 % tax)


After success with his book You Can Be Positive, Confident and Courageous, Aaron Lumpkin back about the life of the ordinary-ordinary course (mediocre) through the newest book You Can Change Your Life. Lumpkin akan fact reminds us that we often forget: only live once, no repetition, no undo feature. Apart from the fact that or not, many people experience life in a way that a normal-normal saja. Terlanjur They believe that their lives are outlined 'like', can not be changed. Lumpkin memelekkan us that life can be filled with a million meanings. With the discretion that is easily digested, it reassures us that we are valuable and important part of the world.

Chapter 01 Creating a Life That means that
Chapter 02 Life So Why Weight
Chapter Eight 03 Danger of Life
Chapter 04 You, Lord, or the nation?
Chapter 05 Young, Bodoh, and Bahagia
Chapter 06 How To Find The Meaning of Life in the Great
Chapter 07 Understanding the Life
Chapter 08 Understanding the World
Chapter 09 to become Champion in the Game of Life
Chapter 10 How to Obtain Victory
Chapter 11 Success Secrets
Chapter 12 What If We have been really distracted
Chapter 13 Say 'No'! Only the True!
Chapter 14 The success of zero in


DERMATOLOGI ED.8 (13-00-001-6)

Year : 2005

Price : Rp. 133,000 (including 0 % tax)


Eighth edition Lecture Notes: Dermatology is focused on knowledge-base of knowledge required by medical students and young doctors. Supported with many colorful pictures and illustrations of writing style that is easily understood, this book is organized with the purpose as a succinct overview of this specialist on the subject. Previous edition has been updated to include the changes in the last practice, including dermatology penatalaksanaan latest strategy.

This book is printed full-color book to show the benefits of this in terms of clinical photographs of the very many, who have made previous editions have penghargaam BMA (British Medical Association) book award. Consider the size to take it easy. This book will be very useful for students and practitioner who want to know the things that up-to-date in the field of dermatology.


1.Structure and Function Skin, Hair, and Nail Care
2.Diagnosis of Skin Diseases
3.Bacteria and Virus Infection
4.Infection Jamur
5.Infection Ektoparasit
6.Akne, Erupsi Akneiformis, and Rosasea
9.Skin tumor benign and malignant
11.Deviation Herediter
12.The difference Pigments
13.Aberration in the Hair and Nail Care
14.Deviation Bulosa
15.Various aberration Eritematosa and Papuloskuamatosa and Skin Diseases due Sinar Matahari
16.Deviation Vaskular
17.Ikat aberration Network
19.Skin and systemic disease
20.Skin and Psikis
21.Drugs on the Skin Reaction
22.Skin Disease Treatment


ATLAS DUNIA 61-19-009-0

Writer : Andrew Heritage
Tahun: 2008

Price: Rp. 1,100,000 (including 0 % tax)


Have now! World Reference Atlas Terlengkap

"The Geography of the world's complete termuat systematically in this World Atlas. World Atlas is very suitable for learning Geography, Economics, Politics, and Tourism. In particular, the World Atlas of competence is very supporting of Geography of the world. "
Prof. Dr. Suratman Worosuprodjo, M. Sc.
Chairman of the General Association Geograf Indonesia (igi)


Loading more than 450 detail from all the regions in the world, supported by more than 800 photos, diagrams, and the full text. This Atlas provides a description of the world of extremes.

REFERENCES encyclopedia
Regional and global mapping, land model, 8 page wide map, map land use and distribution industry with a complete index and more than 90,000 entries.


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